Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Continuing Chase of 2:30

Farragut 13.1 Race Recap

Last Saturday, I took to the line once again for another half. This was to be attempt #2 in the quest of getting to 2:30. 

I woke up an hour late after falling back asleep again. It left me in a rush to get dressed, get everything packed, grab breakfast, and get out of the house. The weather was miserable. Rainy and cold, with wind and dropping temperatures. I made a couple ham sandwiches, grabbed all my crap after getting ready , and got up to the race site as I had to still get my number and shirt. 

My plan was to get ready, and then try to warm up well. Yea, that did not happen. It was pouring and frankly, I didn't want to be wet early and be wet the whole day. So, instead I met up with fellow Idiot, Jay, and just shot the bull till time to line up.

I knew coming in, I didn't want to go out to fast, like in Chattanooga, and kill any chance I had. So I resolved to laying back and trying to wind up as I go.  As we left out the rain was still there, but it was tapering off. It would finally cease to exist about mile 3. 

After the first 5K I felt pretty good. I was a few seconds behind what I needed, but I could close the gap quickly with a good hard effort. 

By mile 5, things were loosend up and I had had my first round of Nutrition. I was there and focused. Things were coming back around. Around mile 6, the rain returned, and this time the cold wind. I went ahead and put back on my jacket and zipped up. Its a good thing I did because the rest of the race was going to be in the downpour and wind. 

Mile 7 and 8, things were right there for the taking as we turned to head back into the sticks as I call it. But, by mile 9, things imploded. In this one mile, we ran through a bunch of hills that I was unprepared for, and then combining that with the rain and the wind, that did me in. I knew that 2:30 was not going to happen but wanted to run a PR. 

Mile 10 I was finished. I was out of gas. I knew 2:30 was gone, I knew PR was gone. I had yet again missed goal. Instead of getting upset, I started focusing on running for my teammates who were injured, the fallen soliders, etc. This helped me tremendously. 

By mile 11.5 I was cramping, just like in Chattanooga. Also I kept looking for the turn to head for the finish line. I was freezing cold and just finished. 

Finally, I managed to get to the turn to the parking lot. Then was greeted with OH , you have to go around the parking lot. REALLY! Great, but whatever. I made it around and finished. Everything hurt like HELL. I was glad I was in from this soggy race. 

I think the picture here tells how bad I wanted it over. LOL!

After the race, I met back up with my buddie jay. Then we went and changed and then got a bite to eat , and headed home. 

The next day, I was PISSED! I had blown it again ! 2 times, 2 shots at 2:30 , no dice. I stayed upset a good part of 2 days. But then , my coach, backhands me and gets my mind right. I am so thankful for my coach. She gets me and is not afraid to put me in my place when I need it. 

So, thats it. Still no 230. That will probably be revisited next fall. We will see. Going to "the dark side" in the spring. 

I only have 3 more races left in my season before off season. 

So, until we race again - 

John Rausin

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