Monday, May 8, 2017

Be A Factor 5K Race Report

This past weekend was the race that started all of this for me. The BE A FACTOR 5K! 4 years ago, I set out to get a little bit healthier and thought , hey this would be a great benifit for a friend! So I trained. And ran it . This is literally the race that began all of this craziness for me. I have run this 4 outta the 5 years it has been held. 

This year was personal for me. If you don't remember why, or haven't been following my journey over the last yer, then let me just remind you exactly why I said this was REVENGE:: 
So, coming into this, I was hell bent on finally burying the last demon that I had left. I have waited 365 days to get this crack and it wasn't going to waste. No, this was not a "A" race. This was speed work. But, I was still going to go out and bust my ASS to get the job done. 

Friday night I stayed up WAY to late watching the elite of the elite try to break the 2 hour marathon mark. So, Saturday, I wound up running late and having to shove down a sandwich and grab some Generation U CAN on my way out the door. Luckily , the race was right across the street from me, so I was already there. 

I got there, picked up my stuff, and got situated. I was so calm. Probably the most calm I have ever been. I have realized when I don't put pressure on myself, and RELAX, that I run so much better. 

Before I knew it, it was time to go. Lined up and set off. I came out conservatively. I wanted to take it easy up the first climb, right out of the gate, and then once I got to the highway, I wanted to let it rip.

I felt great climbing. As soon as we reached the top, I settled in to a high cadence, long stride, run. It really never changed the whole way either. I could tell I was running HARD, and I was O.K. with this. That was the plan. Leave it all out there. As I passed the spot where the incident happened last year, I smiled , fist pumped, and took off. 

Lets make no bones about this, 5k's HURT! They SUCK! Its so short, so your red-lined the whole way . Yes, i took a couple of lower pace 30 second to a min breaks, but I was hell bent to do what I wanted too. 

As I made the corner turn , I shot right through the water stop, because it was cool, and I had nothing to loose. I had my water. There was a hill coming up , so I slowed the tempo to crest the hill. At that point, my nemises, side stiches crept in. I took a couple of full deep breaths, which hurt like a mofo, because I was at my absolute limit, and then changed my stride. Issue resolved. This would happen a couple of more times, but I seriously worked through it. 

I looked at my watch, and I was flirting with A PR! I relaxed, and just ran as hard as I could. The final 400m is around the track. Flat! When I hit this , I gapped it one last time. The back stretch I was dry heaving I was running so flipping fast. It hurt, but I knew it was all gonna be over momentairly. 

Finally, crossed the line. Time of 34:20 or so! Revenge had been completed ! Mission accomplished. I got my timing chip cut off, and then proceeded to get cooled down. I was all smiles, besides trying to calm myself. I had done what I had set out to do. 

As I waited for awards, I relaxed and drank my bcaa's. What a day it had been. Intense, but amazing. 

Leaving it all out there!!! 

Finally it was time for awards. I didn't know how well I had done, but I have placed here before. Unfortunate, it wasn't meant to be . This year, the times were the fastest they have ever been. All 3 places took sub 30 to get into in my AG! Unreal! Make no mistake, that is a goal of mine, is a sub 30 5k, but it will happen with time when its meant to happen. 

Also, found out that the course was approx .15 too long. Taking that into consideration, if it had been spot on, I would have PR'D , no doubt about it! Def considering this a PR run since the course was long!

Also, got to talk with coach after getting home. We were both so happy. This was a NON RACE , more of speed work for me, and I had just crushed it and gotten all the bad JU-JU out of my system. It felt so good. I was more than happy with this performance and it completed my revenge tour! And it felt SO SWEET! 

So, before I wrap up, I need to take time to thank a few people personally- 

A) Coach Kristie- Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. You have literally helped change me from the inside out, and I am so blessed to work with you ! This is still only the start . Sky's the limit! SHAKE AND BAKE!

B) Coach Michelle- You sister, are due more than a huge thanks. Your nutrition plan for me has 110% changed my game and I am forever greatfull for that. You have upped my running game and even in the weight room, I can tell a difference. Especially on the roads , it shows, so thank you !!

C) Trish- You know who you are! Thank you for always being there. We have bitched and moaned to each other more times than we can count, but in the end, we always get it done. 

D) Beth- Again, you know who you are. Your thoughts and words continue to make my day. That fateful day in Ashvile is one that we will never ever forget. Hang in there! Can't wait to watch your journey this summer! HOOORAH! 

So, now it's back to work for a couple weeks. Although happy and pleased, I am never willing to stay the same. So time to get back to work, and keep moving forward. 

So, until next time- 

From one "IDIOT" to another- 

-IRC # 2148-