Thursday, February 28, 2019

Secret City 5K 2018

So, back in November, I ran the Secret City 5K. There was a bit of drama to this as well. I normally don't oversleep for races. I am up extra early. However, this morning would be different. I woke up after the alarms, and knew I was gonna miss it . For a fleeting moment, I debated taking a DNS, but got my tail up and ran out the door getting dressed and flew over to the race site. Luckily, I didn't get into any traffic, which made getting there a breeze. I was actually still about 10 min early. Much later then when I normally get there (60-90 min before) . When I arrived, I was greeted by friends from our Multisport group and informed we were under a dense fog delay for 1 hour. Sweet, I could still go through my routine. Awesome.

This site is one I have ran many a mile on so I know the course like the back of my hand. I was excited to be running this one as a tune up for Thanksgiving the next Thursday. 

Once we lined up, and got going, I knew I had a strong run in me , so I just went off feel. It turned out to be a fantastic run.  As we got further along, I was pulling back people who went out to fast and was rocking and rolling. I was having fun again, FINALLY! 

Once to the finish , I picked up my results. A top 10 AG!!!! Are you kidding me. Last year it was top 15, this year top 10. I got my food, and headed out as I was doing some other things. 

So, there you have it. This would bring us up to a decision I had to make about my thanksgiving race, which I will get into next time. 

So until then - 

From one "Idiot" to another : 

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