Monday, February 11, 2019

Where Have I Been?

Well, Hello again. I know its been a while since I posted here on anything, but I have finally decided to make a return. So, with that , I figured , what better way to fill you all in then to explain where I have been. 

Shortly after I got back from US Nationals last year, life took a turn for me into some very upside down temultious times. It left me in a funk that I had not experienced before. It left me with no desire to write any further. Sure, I kept racing to keep my sanity, but in the end, I just didn't want to write. I just wanted to be . So that is what I did . 

But, now things are starting to look up somewhat, and over the last week , i've began to get ready for the new racing season , and was like , you know , I had a pretty incredible couple runs to end 2018, that are worth sharing. So, that's what I am gonna do .

Before we get going , I will have 2 final post for the 2018 season to get you setup for 2019. 

Here is to another years racing: 

Until Next time- 

From one "Idiot" to another


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