Wow. So here we are . I'm going to briefly walk you through this week before Sunday, because I want to spend the majority of today's post giving you a race report. This week was the final week before Taper begins. This week I had a couple 6 mile runs. One was with easy strides, which I basically treated like a Fartlek. So, a pickup to a Z3 for a few moments, then settle back into an easy stride. Wednesday was my last gym workout, so I took it very seriously. I wanted to quit after 2 sets. But, I was like, this is it. The last chance to strengthen. Do every single rep. So, I did a 15 min spin and then knocked out my workout. Thursday, I had some speed work. 6 miles with 4 at a upper z3. I felt ok. Really tired and sore, but I pushed on through. Friday I was off. I began to get packed for Saturday . Now , on to the RACE REPORT:
Desmond Doss Memorial 4 Bridges Half Race Report
First things first, I need to thank my Sister, Diana Fryar, and her husband , Ben, for making this trip a possibility. They graciiously put me up in a hotel room for the night that turned out to be above and beyond. I am so blessed by them. Thank you both so much .
So, coming in, my goal was simple. Stay healthy, relax, have a good run. This was the last run before Taper time. This was getting those miles in and having a little fun. I had discussed with coach and was going to latch on to the 3 hour pace group and run.
I woke up and instantly had some funniness. I spilt my dry oatmeal EVERYWHERE! Made a mess. Laughed it off, made more, got dressed, and went down to catch the bus. Once to the site, I got off my feet . We didn't leave till 733 and it was only like 6. Took my shoes off, and laid down. Relaxed.
Before the race, I met up with my pacers to join the group. We left out at 7:33 . It was already warm, but overcast. It was absolutely gorgeous for the run.
As we left I felt good. I found myself right up front with the 2 pacers . At first there was a bunch of us, and it slowly whittled down. The deeper we got, the better I felt. I was on good form. We were using intervals 4 min run one walk. Both girls were named heather that was pacing us. One was getting ready to run her first full as well. we talked some about this. As time wore on, things quited down. Except for the encouragement from these ladies. These ladies had it all together. I mean a perfect plan. They kept an eye on our speed, checking on us. It was such a beautiful run , and the pace so well done, I had time to snap pictures. Here are a few from the run:
We got to mile 7 and one of the pacers had to drop for a restroom break. Guess who got handed the flag? ME! I stayed right with our main pacer. Once she took it back I relaxed again, but when this happend again, I was more than ready. Honestly, I didn't want to give it up the 2nd time, lol.
Around mile 10, we noticed this girl. She had hung around the whole time but started to struggle. We devised a game plan to get her to the end if she was there by mile 10.5 . sure enough she was. From that moment on, it became personal to all of us. She was finishing with us. At mile 11 one of our pacers dropped to check on her , and then came back. She said she was gonna finish herself. But by a quarter mile later, here she is. I made it my job then to encourage her, to keep her strong. I was perfectly fine. I was happy, very strong, and just loving the fact I had held with the front pacers for 3 hours without missing a stride. I made it MY MISSION to bring this girl home.
When we came down the shute to finish, I was all sorts of goosebumps. I caught sight of my sister, and her husband. They were there. I looked at them momentairly, and then it was decided. hey , the 4 of us that have done this, lets form a line and then finish together as a unit, the way we started. And that is just what the heck we did. What a special moment. Here are a few pictures from that moment. The girl in the white shirt in the 3 hour pace group is the one we guided home. She would wind up with a HUGE 45 min PR. To say I am proud is the biggest understatement ever. I have no words ! Just Blessed!
Overall, I couldn't be happier. I don't think my words do it any justice. These friends I will remember for a life time. In 3 hours, they became my best friends. Because I was ever present in the race. I ran this with no headphones. And honestly, I believe thats the way it will be happening from now on. I am more aware and sociable without the distractions . I enjoyed the heck outta myself, The memories from this event will hold a special place in my heart. After 7 halfs, this ranks right up at the top.
As I have sat here and tried to choke back my emotions while writing this re-cap, the same thought that came to my mind as they have thorughout the night: What if my calling in this amazing awsome sport is to give back by becoming a pacer. Im not saying i will do this all the time, but what if I did a few races a year and paced the 3 hour half groups. Something to think about as I wrap up this race report.
Overall, what a wonderful event to be a part of. I will def be doing this again next year for sure.
So, here we are. Taper Time. Finally after Months upon months of Hard Work its here. Time to refresh the legs and get ready for the A MAIN. This week holds some shorter distance runs, an annoying 4 mile run, and a 10 mile Saturday. No gym, nothing. Rest and relax and get ready.
So, that is gonna conclude this weeks report.
Until next week ,
From one "Idiot" to another
IRC # 2148
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