Monday, October 24, 2016

2 Weeks Out: Fine Tuning....

 Weeks Out: Fine Tuning 

When I started this, I entitled it "Every Mile A Memory" kind of as a memoir for what was about to happen. Coach even told me this journey was going to be "Life Changing". What I did not realize was just how big it would be. 

This was the final week. The final chance to adjust any slight details. Yes, the work was completed. But, I was still out there this week. 

Tuesday, I had 5 miles with 5 Strides. Coming off of a Half-Marathon the previous Sunday, this wasn't pretty. Frankly, I didn't want to do this run. But alas, I got my kester out there, and completed it. Very tired legs. Pace wasn't stellar, but it got completed. 

Thursday, I had 4 miles. Again, didn't have any desire whatsover to do this. Still tired and just didn't want to run. Got out there though, and it was the most aggrivating thing ever. I never could find my mojo, nothing. The entire time was a fit. I finally got so pissed, that I wandered into the woods for 15 or 20 min to a lil old trail. It was like in that 15 or 20 min, I found myself. There in those woods. It still wasn't pretty, at all, but I got it done. 

Saturday, oh boy. Saturday, I was gonna take a red box. I slept through my alarms. When I woke up I was in a screw it mood. However, one of my teammates was having the same kind of morning I was and posted. Well, that inspired me. So up and at em I got. What occurred next was the blessing. 

See, the race has a rule you have to uphold a 14 min per mile pace or get eliminated at the 15 mile mark. This had been worrying me this week. I had tried to push it away but it kept coming back. So I went out Saturday for 10. What happened was a gift. I felt great . Super duper relaxed. Since I didn't want to be there, i put on music to distract me. I SMASHED 10 in the face in 2:04. That averages to be 12:24 a mile. Well within the time. So, this run helped to quash those last few fears. Literally , when I was done I was all smiles. Its officially go time. 

As short as this seems , that was the week. Very light work, getting the legs back under me. Getting ready to ROLL! 

So, this is it. All the months and miles of hard work are ready to pay off. I have a couple of minuscule runs this week. Saturday I have a 15 min flush the legs out type run, and then Sunday, I get to officially join the 1% club of the population. To say I am fired up is an understatement. Let me tell you how you can follow me this weekend: 

From now until I leave Friday, I am going to be mostly silent on S.M. That is by design. I need to protect what I have worked for. If you want to chat, then please hit me on messenger. I will still be around, just kind of really laying low to protect everything. 

So, I have had quite a few inquiries on how to track me on Sunday. The best answer is this: 

Go to your app store on your phone 
Search for Marine Corps Marathon 
Download the app
Once you have it downloaded you can click on track runner
I am bib #1930 

I haven't fully decided how to cover this weekend. Whether I just lay low (which is the highest probability), or if I blog day to day. Probably just do one post when I get home most likely. 

Also, for next weeks race report, I have been asked to guest write on our teams blog. So, that will be where next weeks report. I will be traveling Monday, so It maybe later in the day or even Tuesday before I get it done. 

So, until next week- 

From one "Idiot" to another- 

-IRC #2148

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