Coming off last Saturday's race, I was so fired up and so inspired. I was bound to take that inspiration, bundle it, throw it in the fire, and use it to fuel me.
This week was 22 weeks out. This was the first Seriously big build week and it couldn't have come at a better time. Monday was a holiday, and I was given a choice, I could do something I wanted to , or I could be lazy and do NOTHING. I chose to get in the gym and get some time with the Iron logged. I haven't gotten to lift as much here recently, and had been craving a good session with it as I am a self-professed "Iron Addict" (Side note, if you don't know what that is, do yourself a favor and go look up C.T. Fletcher) . Monday I spent almost 2.5 hours in the gym assaulting my upper body. I mean assaulting. I did some light cardio for 10 to 15 min to get the blood flowing, then moved into a back and biceps workout from one of my favorite programs, Body Beast. I torched my back and biceps for almost 1.5 hours. Then, i moved on to the core. I got my first dose of this devilish device called a roman chair. I may or may not have said words when I was using it. Just EVIL. But , if it helps get me bigger, stronger, and faster, then by golly, we will do it. I concluded with a good foam roll session and then a icey cold shower. The rest of the week, my arms hurt so bad. It was like my biceps were screaming. No pain, no gain.
Tuesday, I got more gym time in. Again, there for about an hour or so. Just giving it my all.
Wednesday was Global Running day. I actually went with a group from Fleet Feet in Knoxville for a group run. It was so hot out. like upper 90s hot. I really tried to come out too fast , and that wasn't smart. When I settled back down, i got the run in. I actually had thought it sucked, until I was talked down by coach. Again, I needed to hear that , and it made perfect sense.
Thursday was another short run. Nothing Major just out flushing the legs from doing hill strength earlier in the week and then the group run. Felt really solid and slid right into my pace again in a zone 2. I promise you, my zone 2 is expanding considerably. It feels so good for the purpose of the run light to come on too. It makes training so much easier when that clicks.
Friday was a core and ab day. Ever since I finally realized I was an athlete, I enjoy working my core. It's where the power comes from.
Saturday was my long run day. 1:45 min . No set distance, just run in a z2 and have fun. I went over to Melton Hill lake over where I work. I found the trail on my app I use to track my runs on my phone. When I got there, I realized that was part of where I ran in the Secret City Half last year. It was so cool to be back over there. The heat was there to start the run. At the urging of coach, to start working things out for fueling, I messed with what I knew worked. Bad Decision on my part. It wasn't until half way that I got my Gen U can supplement in me. Once that hit and got going, It was totally different the 2nd half of the run. I felt much more smoother like I knew what was doing. So, I pretty much know within reason what works when i am out for longer runs. That may change as we continue to bump up the mileage , but I know pretty much what to do within reason.
I have also started keeping a food log for Fridays and Saturdays. This is to track and see how my body feels so we can narrow down exactly what works and what dosen't. I promise you, when your an athlete, you can tell when you eat like SHIT and when you eat like your supposed too. Period. It comes out in your performance.
Also, Saturday, I got my professional pictures in from my 10k last week. By far this picture is my favorite and honestly, it's my 2nd favorite EVER next to my first half finish from Knoxville. This picture says it all. I was in my rhythm, singing along, having a great time, in so much control, I had time to FLEX! If that don't say progress I don't know what does!!!
Of course, Sundays are my rest days. So , I took time to go get a runners tuneup with a Massage. Something funny from that is when they worked on my legs, they were so sore, i almost punched through the table. Thats how you know you have a good massage is when they hit those hot spots.
So, really that was it for this week. It was a long, intense week, but I know I had a good week looking back on it.
Next week is another big build week for me. Not as much weight lifting, but more time on my legs. Which I don't mind at all! Not a bit. I got my dose of Iron, so I have had my fix and am ready to log miles.
My next race is July 4th in Sweetwater for a flat , fast 5k. I can't wait to get after it. It will also be the last race until MCM unless we add a shakedown.
So, until next week-
From one "Idiot" to another-
IRC # 2148
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