Monday, June 13, 2016

21 weeks out: More Build!!!

 Weeks Out: 

So, continuing on the road towards DC, this was the 2nd week of really intense build. I will say that I had a decent week. The temperatures this past week were BRUTALLY HOT!!!! The strength training was pretty spot on. Lot's of leg strengthening, I.T. Band Strength, and more. Had a great week in the gym. 

Run wise was decent. Ill start with Tuesday. Tuesday i'll stop short of calling it awful, but it didn't go as planned. I was still sore from Mondays gym session, and I waited too late to go out Tuesday morning. It was hot as blazes. I was only out for a short time, and in my conversational pace, but goodness, my temperature in my body got wayyyyy to hot. I got overheated. I knew I was when I bent down to tie my shoe and got very light headed and dizzy. Just not fun. To make matters worse, the entire run, I could never get my body to cooperate. I would lock in to my run speed, and then my body would bounce out. From the word go, it just wouldn't cooperate. I then got home and tried to recover. I was so hot! I sipped on a double shot of Pickle juice, aka magic Elixer, and jumped in the cold shower. Even the cold shower felt REALLY WARM! At work, it got warm here in the office, and mad me nauseous AGAIN!  I wound up not feeling well all night and putting a fan in the face most of the night. To be honest, looking back on it, I was probably borderline dehydrated. 

Thursday was the POLAR OPPOSITE of Tuesday! I had an AMAZING run. Body responded. it even wanted to go harder, but I wouldn't let it. I controlled myself. This was also the day where something really clicked with me: "CORE CONTROL".  For so long, I have worked on my core and never understood how it fit with running. The lightbulb came on during this run. I was beginning to get tired, and started to slump. I noticed this, and activated my core and my body was instantly back upright, and off and going again. Then, I let my body do it AGAIN , and did the same thing. I can't believe I didn't realize this till now. Talk about being awakened and the GAME CHANGING! 

Saturday's run was a great way to close out the 2 week build. I found out Friday that I would have a recovery the following week. So, I really focused Saturday. I had also been discussing with coach the aspect of the time cut, since I found out how all that would work for the race this week. She kept re assuring me your fine... yada yada yada. A little back story, the "gauntlet" is from mile 17-21 I believe. There are 2 time cuts. If you fail to make them, your not recognized as an offical finisher. I was scared that would be me. Even with the re-assurement from coach. The cut is placed at what most marathoners call "the wall" when your body thinks it can't go on any further. In order to clear this, your required to maintain a 14 min a mile pace avg throughout till the end to ensure you clear this. So, my goal Saturday was to get my mind set that I could do this. I went out and had a fantastic Training run. Zone 2. I struggled for a good 5k with fueling issues, and stomach nausea, again due to my error. Even then when I came in after an 1:45 run, I was in my z2 and averaging around a 13:25 pace. More than enough to get me through that gauntlet. Literally, I had proven to myself that I could keep a avg pace and be just fine. Thats my Z2 friends, a slow steady conversational pace. Not even pushing it at all. This was such a burden lifted off my shoulders to know I had mentally psyched myself out for that. I will be just fine. As coach said, the wall only occurs when you don't fuel right or undertrain. Neither of which will happen. I am constantlly working on fueling and nutrition each week to get it all honed in . Later in training I will have a chance at a couple really long dress rehersal type runs to make sure everything is set. 

Really that was about it for this week. Decent week. If it hadn't been for my own stupidity waiting too late to train tuesday, your looking at a great week. To think, this whole build started with a 10k race as a training run. I call this first build chapter a rousing success!!!! 

This next week will be a recovery week. Off the legs for strength training, more upper body. Less mileage, but more intensity *speed* This presents its own challenges as now it becomes more mental work. HAHAH! Really looking forward to getting an idea where I stand on my sub goal of 2 consecutive sub 10 min miles. I should have a better Idea of that this week. Also, drawing closer to the july 4th 5k which will be my last race before MCM. 

So, with that being said... 

Until next week... 

From one "Idiot" to another: 

-John -
-IRC #2148 

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