We're now under 20 weeks to the Main Event. It's unreal how fast time is going by. I have found myself falling in love with this discipline of distance. There's nothing like working this hard for something. Everyday, I seem to feel a sense of accomplishment with these workouts as I complete them. Even on bad days, I seem to be seeing lessons in them.
This week was another good solid build week. The runs got a little bit longer mid-week, and there was some additional intensity in there, which worried me at first, but as I would go through the week, I would realize, yet again, that the worry was for NOTHING! The week started out on a good note. A good solid first 2 days between strength training and a solid run. I was forewarned, that I was due for a sluggish day or 2. I had been on a good string of runs that left me feeling great. Eventually, you have so many highs that you are due to come down from that. For me that was Wednesday and Even into Thursday.
Wednesday, I felt very sluggish. It was a core day and some legs in there, but I felt very tired. Like someone zapped my energy from me. But, none the less, I got up and got it done. I felt good afterwards.
Thursday, yeah. Thursday, I slept in late. It was blistering hot out even at 7 am when i originally woke up. It was like 80 degrees already. I had already tried to figure out a way to get out of it. Trying to switch days, not doing it, my excuses were deep. But, in my head I knew I had to do it. I actually reached out to some of my fantastic teammates. They all pushed me out my back door. It was a long, hot run. I had a decent run. My legs were feeling like heavy bricks the back half of my run, but I persisted and got it done. Gotta say, it felt good to finally get it over with. Again, a sense of accomplishment.
Saturday was back to my long run. I made a late night decision Friday to stay at home and run. I am glad I did. I had a pretty solid trip with some good breakthroughs again this week. More lightbulbs going off. It felt pretty solid. Not to mention, that after a couple months of waiting, I finally got my new Gear ! I wore that sucker out there the first 4 miles and then went back to my old no shirt run. That gear has some instant mojo on it. HAHA!
So, that was really about it in a nutshell. A good week. Another build on the books. This week is a taper for me. I am getting ready for my last race b4 MCM. It's a July 4th 5k. Flat . I mean NO ELEVATION what so ever. So, it lends itself to speed. This brings up this word : Redemption! Last time out, we all know what happend. Needless to say that will NOT be happening again. I am going to make the most of this last chance to go out and have fun. I can't wait honestly. T-7 days from today. AHHH! I can't wait.
Of course, since the race is next week, the blog will come next Tuesday and will have a full recap of taper and the race.
So until then-
From one "Idiot" to another-
John -
-IRC #2148-