This morning, I rolled into work , like every other day. Sat down to begin my day. Then, the company that I am contracted with at my current job, brought 2 dozen doughnuts to the office. The decision was there: Do I partake or do I behave? Today I chose the latter, to behave. There is a reason. You see, last week I brought the junk and partook. I paid for it with a nice headache. But, there is a even bigger reason ... Let me explain this to you really in plain terms:
That's right. EVERYTHING. I'll give you the story as it unfolded about 2 weeks ago, and then teach you a lesson at the end:
A couple weeks ago, I was given a pretty tough workout schedule. I knew it would be going in, but I was determined to get through it. That week, for whatever reason, I reverted back to some of my fave comfort foods. Ice cream, waffles, Fast food, etc. I had food prepped, but nothing but crap sounded good. So I gave in. That week was terrible. I was heavy legged on all of my runs. It didn't matter what I did. Energy came and went even during the days. It's funny though, because it didn't come to a head till the Saturday workout: My long Run!
The Long Run
In particular, that weeks long run was 10 miles. No time goal, just needed to be on my feet for 10 miles. So off I went. Immediatley, I knew it was gonna be a long night. B4 I went out, I ate 2 ham sandwiches, had my Gen U Can, and got ready and then headed out. I had heavy legs the whole way. In addition, for some reason, I had in my mind to run a few tempo miles (That WASN'T PART of the PLAN) and just have a good trip. Instead, I had absolute hell that night. Almost 2:30 hours to complete 10 miles. I was LIVID! In the middle of the run, I messaged my coach. She was like just keep going , but please send me what you have had to eat the last 2 days. Being 100% honest, I was an open book. It honestly shocked me how BAD I had fueld that week leading up too it.....
The reply....
About a half hour after sending the message, I got my reply. I simply will never EVER forget it as it was one of the greatest lesson I have learned to this point. I got SMOKED! I was told that what I had eaten for 2 days was responsible. I had just nullified the effects of the GEN U CAN supplement I had taken. It was all wrong...
Better yet, I needed to change and FAST! I was warned, if you continue to eat this way, you can count on more weeks like that.. that was ENOUGH! I spent the next hour looking at what I was missing, researching different foods, and reflecting.
The Lesson: You Perform Like You Eat...
That's it. You eat to fuel your body. I had heard that so many times as a health coach, but I honestly didn't make that full change, although I wanted to believe I had till this moment. I knew if I wanted to be in tip top shape , that I would have to eat like it. So, I totally made over what I was doing. I am now eating Lean meats, veggies, some simple carbs, and sticking with that. My go too food is grilled tomato basil chicken with a baked potato. Thats my go to food. And I may add a side of mixed veggies. If I showed you pictures of my food every time I ate, I guarantee at least twice a day you see that. I am also back to eating yogurt again. Greek is my all time fave. and it's a nice healthy fat. Do I eat clean 100% of the time... HELL NO! But when I want a cheat meal, I pick it according to the training I am doing. Preferably a off day or a day with nothing more but Yoga. But I also know if I indulge too hard, I will pay for it the next day.
So , why am I writing this? Because I know we all struggle. But I figure, if I help one person to turn on that light bulb that you literally can change your performance if your an athlete , or if you just want to feel better, by simply looking at your diet, then it's totally worth it. 100%!
Upcoming :
This weekend is the BE A FACTOR 5K! It's kinda been a relaxed week. But, I am ready. 5k's are the hardest event in running. It's so short, and so explosive. Period. If your not puking, your not trying. So thats this weekend. Keeping with tradition, I will have a full update next week regarding this week and the race, so bee on the lookout for that.
Until Next Time
From one Idiot to another:
IRC #2148
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