Week In Review
This week was 25 weeks away from that Magical Day in D.C. If I said this week was easy, I would be lying. This was by far the TOUGHEST week I have had to date. But , I am so glad now looking back on it that I had to go through it.
Since I was suffering from a sprained ankle , and trying to heal this thing the CORRECT way, my workouts consisted of either a spin bike the first couple of days, or Yoga. I will say that right outta the gate on Monday, I got a little out of hand and got a reprimand from coach. Yep, of course, I push the limits. But , I will discuss further later on. So, I was pretty aggravated. Here I am, having re occurring nightmares about what happend in my race one week ago. All I wanted was to simply get outside on the road. I knew deep down it wouldn't be good, but honestly, mentally that's what I THOUGHT I needed. However, I stuck to the plan. I was finally allowed Saturday to hit the elliptical as my pain had nearly subsided. It was beautiful. It gave me my fix I needed and honestly made me smile.
Really, that was my week, other than submerging my foot in buckets of ICE off and on. .But Yet, that's only a half of what I want to stress in this blog.
I want to spend a few moments here on the lesson that finally clicked with me this week: RECOVERY AND SELF CARE! Friends, I can NOT STRESS enough how important this is. Simply can't. I am one of these people that goes full force 110% of the time. ALL THE TIME! I don't know the word Stop. But, this week I have been forced to stare that word along with SLOW DOWN directly into the face and accept them.
I see people all the time doing just what I do. Whether there working out with a program from home, in the gym, etc. I see people complete a program, and jump right to another with NO TIME off in between. I see them skip rest days and push on because they feel Obligated to . I need to get this through your head :
PLEASE !!! You won't like me , but it NEEDS AND HAS TO HAPPEN! If your schedule says off or rest, don't skip it. Your body needs it. When you constantly go on it, things break down. You become more prone to injuries and Ilness. When at rest , your body heals and repairs itself. Period. Those off days need to be spent restfully as well. The more rest you get , the better things progress. I beg of you, please heed those letters. DON'T SKIP REST OR OFF DAYS. Plus, for the LOVE, if you get hurt, KNOCK IT OFF! SHUT IT DOWN! Don't try to work through it. It sucks, I know. I am there and have been there. This was such a hard lesson for me to learn this week , but it's worth it. Every single second has been worth it. Period. I just can't stress it enough. STOP AND REST!
So, as of Saturday, I was pain free and was released to go back out (cautiously I may add). I can't freaking wait! This also marks the beginning of 24 weeks ! The countdown is on , and so are the workouts. I do have a 10k upcoming in a couple weeks , and I am looking forward to that. Even though I won't be going all out, it's still a chance to get out there and line up and see where I am at. I am learning to treat these races as test so to speak to see where I am at and see If I notice things that I need to improve on. So, I am really looking forward to that.
I will be back next week with another update.
Until Then-
From one "Idiot" to another
IRC #2148
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