Tuesday, May 31, 2016

23 Weeks Out: Comebacks!!!!


OK, so if there ever was a post that I was excited to write, THIS IS IT!!! If you can't feel the excitement by the time your done reading this, then I need you to check your pulse, and make sure your alive! LOL! 

So, as before, I had been through some adversity here lately. But, took it the best I could and kept my head held high. This weekend was the Knoxville Expo 10K. Probably one of my favorite events of the year to run. 

It's funny, because I wasn't sure I was gonna get to run this year after the ankle. I had to fight tooth and nail to get healthy enough to be cleared to go from coach. It wasn't till after Last Saturday's Long Run that I was finally able to officially be told that I could register. 

This past week was also a shift change at work to 3p-Midnights which meant I had to switch training all around. I was ok with this, but expected to be clunky going into this past week. 

Honestly, looking back, things went so smooth. Both of my runs last week I was able to just settle into a pace and stay there. I have often struggled with that, but for some reason, this week seemed to change things. I had a great week. Friday night, I came home and jumped in bed . Slept exactly 2 hrs and 15 min. Normal for me race nights. I got up , ate a PB sandwich, and then headed out . I was at the venu by 5:45 am and the race wasn't till 8 am. I had sometime to relax, and reflect, among the things was a conversation that me and coach had the night before that went a lil something like this.... 

"This is a TRAINING RUN! A year ago, you went full tilt. Look how far you have come! This is a training run. A race as a TRAINING RUN!" I couldn't believe it. That hit me and fired me up so much. 

As I got ready, I kept telling myself, DO NOT COME OUT TOO HARD! Use this to work paces and speed work as instructed. Be calm, have fun. 

When the gun went off, I was very cautious to not fly out to start. It was almost like clockwork, I slipped into my zone and was steady. I was so happy to be running. Just over joyed. I had my speedwork to use at my leasure once every mile. The first half of the course was what I had seen in March in a 5k. So, I was just rolling along. I looked down at my watch and was steady fready at 35 min for the first half. 3 min off my 5k PR . I knew if I kept up at that pace, i would have an Overall PR, and that was NOT the goal. Sure, it would have been kinda nice to have it again, but nope. Smartness took over, and I throttled down a little bit and just relaxed. It was very hot by the 2nd loop, which was comprised of the same loop from last year. A little tougher. Seemed to be that I was meant to throttle back at this point. Still kept steady. Doused my self with water as necessary and finished out the 6.22 miles. Even better, at all the pictures being taken I was acting so stupid. Flexing, smiling , waving , I was having a BLAST. 

The time I came in was 1:20 and some change. Friends this was a ZONE 2 easy run. This is still a 13 min time shave off the course time that I set last year. Just UNREAL! I texted coach. She was ESTATIC! So was I . I can say that we both shed a few tears. Seriously, it was an unreal trip. It was one that you just dream of. Probably, in my 2 years of running, it ranks in the top 2 if not the BEST trip. Just over the top with how things went. It was hot, there were hills, and all this other good stuff, and I still put a beatdown upon that course. 

Also, after this race, as I talked with coach, It became so clear that I am so close to something I never dreamed possible, putting miles together under 10 min each. So, my new goal is simply, lets put the time and training in , and go after getting a couple miles under 10 min . Just a little sub goal to keep me pushing and inspired. 

So, after an INSPIRING weekend, full of joy, It's back to work. Time to get bigger, stronger, and FASTER! The next few weeks are going to be filled with training and pushing myself to get better each day. I won't be racing again for 4 or 5 weeks, and then that one will be the last trip until the MCM unless we add in a shakedown run or something.  

Just wanted to keep you all afloat of the fantastic weekend that was.

Until Next Week... 

From one "Idiot" to another 


Monday, May 23, 2016

24 Weeks Out: Let the MADNESS begin.....

 Weeks Out: 


So, we pickup this week with the first "Official" Recap of the 24 week countdown or "BUILD" period towards D.C. 

This week was all about being cautious, but getting back to work. I was FINALLY able to hit the roads again. Things were a little bit off of schedule due to some things going on, but I still made sure to get my workouts in. 

The Shoes, OR NOT??? 

I was so ammped up to get out there Tuesday. I had new shoes, and it was so great to be back ! I hit the road, and honestly got a little misty eyed for a few moments. I was so glad to be back. It was a hour 15 min run and my loop honestly only took me like 55 min. so i had time to kill. So I started a portion of a 2nd. I noticed my feet were killing me . Didn't know why. When I got home, I discovered, a nasty blister, seen below caused by these things. GRRR. I wish sometimes shoe fittings were so easy. lol! So, these bad boys were a NO GO! Back they went!!! 

The Duck Waddle (LOL!)
Wednesday night, oh boy. I had one of those workouts. LOL! The thing left me so sore. I kid you not. It was a hips and glutes workout with some cardio. I have never been that sore in a while. Considering it was my first week back, I wanted to feel it a bit, so I didn't take my BCAA's. Boy did I feel it. I think I finally started walking normally around 4 or 5 the next day. LOL! 

The Weekend Run

So, after returning my Hoka's , I decided on these bad boys , Brooks Special Edition (of course, lol) 
Saturday was my long run, and a day chocked full of sports and I couldn't wait. I got up, fueld up, and made my water drop at the turn around point, and got out there. 

Things went absolutley beautiful! It did rain shower on me for a bit, and darn, that felt amazing too. I was prepared for it so no worries there. Just slowed the tempo a bit, and made sure to protect in case of slick spots. I reached the turn and retrieved my water, and then came home. In just a little under 2 hours I made it 7.55 miles. I loved every.freaking.min. out there. The shoes were a perfect fit. No doubt about it. 

So really, thats about it for last week. Everything went grand. Just so tickled. 

So this week, it's all about a taper (again, LOL) for prep for Saturday's Knoxville Expo 10K on the 100 block. This is a course I know well, and had the most consistent trip on last year. I PR'D here (a record that still stands today) . Although, I know I won't be chasing a PR (if it happens, it happens, but I won't be pushing it) I am still more than excited to get out there, especially knowing that just a week or so ago, this one was highly doubtful. It just goes to show you what proper self care and recovery can do for you. Anything is possible ! ANYTHING!!! 

So that's all I have got for this week. 

Until Next time- 
From one "Idiot" to another 


Monday, May 16, 2016

25 Weeks out: Tough Lessons


Week In Review 

This week was 25 weeks away from that Magical Day in D.C. If I said this week was easy, I would be lying. This was by far the TOUGHEST week I have had to date. But , I am so glad now looking back on it that I had to go through it. 

Since I was suffering from a sprained ankle , and trying to heal this thing the CORRECT way, my workouts consisted of either a spin bike the first couple of days, or Yoga. I will say that right outta the gate on Monday, I got a little out of hand and got a reprimand from coach. Yep, of course, I push the limits. But , I will discuss further later on. So, I was pretty aggravated.  Here I am, having re occurring nightmares about what happend in my race one week ago. All I wanted was to simply get outside on the road. I knew deep down it wouldn't be good, but honestly, mentally that's what I THOUGHT I needed. However, I stuck to the plan. I was finally allowed Saturday to hit the elliptical as my pain had nearly subsided. It was beautiful. It gave me my fix I needed and honestly made me smile. 

Really, that was my week, other than submerging my foot in buckets of ICE off and on. .But Yet, that's only a half of what I want to stress in this blog. 

I want to spend a few moments here on the lesson that finally clicked with me this week: RECOVERY AND SELF CARE! Friends, I can NOT STRESS enough how important this is. Simply can't. I am one of these people that goes full force 110% of the time. ALL THE TIME! I don't know the word Stop. But, this week I have been forced to stare that word along with SLOW DOWN directly into the face and accept them. 

I see people all the time doing just what I do. Whether there working out with a program from home, in the gym, etc. I see people complete a program, and jump right to another with NO TIME off in between. I see them skip rest days and push on because they feel Obligated to . I need to get this through your head : 

PLEASE !!!  You won't like me , but it NEEDS AND HAS TO HAPPEN!  If your schedule says off or rest, don't skip it. Your body needs it. When you constantly go on it, things break down. You become more prone to injuries and Ilness. When at rest , your body heals and repairs itself. Period. Those off days need to be spent restfully as well. The more rest you get , the better things progress. I beg of you, please heed those letters. DON'T SKIP REST OR OFF DAYS. Plus, for the LOVE, if you get hurt, KNOCK IT OFF! SHUT IT DOWN! Don't try to work through it. It sucks, I know. I am there and have been there. This was such a hard lesson for me to learn this week , but it's worth it. Every single second has been worth it. Period. I just can't stress it enough. STOP AND REST!


So, as of Saturday, I was pain free and was released to go back out (cautiously I may add). I can't freaking wait! This also marks the beginning of 24 weeks ! The countdown is on , and so are the workouts. I do have a 10k upcoming in a couple weeks , and I am looking forward to that. Even though I won't be going all out, it's still a chance to get out there and line up and see where I am at. I am learning to treat these races as test so to speak to see where I am at and see If I notice things that I need to improve on. So, I am really looking forward to that. 

I will be back next week with another update. 

Until Then-
From one "Idiot" to another 

IRC #2148

Monday, May 9, 2016

RULE # 6

 Rule #6: 

First off, this is NOT the post that I had EVER DREAMED I would be writing , but it was the hand I was dealt, and played, so it's the hand that gets written about. It's not pretty. So Lets Recap this week : 

26 Weeks Out

26 weeks out was this week. This was a week I had been eyeing for several months. The Be a Factor 5K at home on roads I knew so well. The week in prep went GREAT. Everything was on point. I had a plan, and that was full freaking all out. It would be one of the last times I was turned 100% loose before the Marine Corps Marathon in October. I was licensed to go win ! My legs felt amazing. So much so , I only briefly got on them Thursday during shakedown. I didn't want to use any power and leave it all for Saturday. I was so confident in my abilities. I had planned to go chase a double pr. Both my mile time and my Overall 5k finish should fall. Everything was fine tuned. I went to bed Friday Night giddy. I knew what I was gonna do. 

Race Day 
I woke up at 7 Saturday. Super Excited. I am so superstious to the point I follow the same pattern each race day. Everything was gold. I got to the race, registered, and begin to focus. Chatted with a few friends, made my 2 warm up laps, i was ready . 

The Race 

I came out hot, but reserved. I had a big hill to climb before I could fully turn loose. Once up that hill, I hit the gas! My back was a little tight, so i slowed to a comfy pace to loosen it. About my house , I was full on in go mode. 100% ! Go Get em. Everything was there. Running the fastest I had ever run, feeling great. Loving life. 

Everything was going smooth UNTIL about .75 of MILE 1! My ankle gave out! It rolled, and I took a tumble. I broke my fall with my hands, but the pain that instantly hit I knew it was all over. And I was so mad. I started crying. I was furious. It all was going so well and then it was gone. Just like that. My first reaction was to get weight on it. Once I did, I was asked, do you want to quit. NO! JUST HECK NO! I was gonna finish. I limped the rest of the way to the finish line. I was utterly devistated. Shocked. I just had no words. I texted coach in the middle of my tears at the finish. She assured me it was ok. She was proud of me for finishing.

After I finally got home from the race , I was shocked but still on a adrenilne rush. My ankle was as big as a softball . Here is a picture of it. Yes, this is the same one that has been rolled twice now. 
After I got into the Ice bath to soak this foot, and chatted with my coach, she sent me the MOST AMAZING video I have ever watched . I share it with you here . It's so good, especially for my situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmVOuLgFB0

In addition, we came up with a game plan going forward. The support from my krendurance teammates poured in and left me so proud to be a part of the team .Even when I felt like I had been beat, they let me know they were so proud of me. It made me smile. 

Last Night 
I had remained so positive about things all weekend. How it couldn't have happened at a better time, blah blah blah. But last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I lost it. I felt awful. It hurt so bad to have something I had worked for ripped from me. I am just glad it wasn't the MCM when this happened. 

Going Forward: 

So , here we are. Recovery week. Something I don't feel I earned since I barely got to cut loose before I got grounded this Saturday. But then I realize I MUST GET THIS ANKLE BETTER ! This week looks like it is going to be spent doing either yoga, or on a spin bike getting my cardio in. I am so hopeful I can go at least out Saturday Even If I have to walk. I just want out there. I want to hit that loop again and get my revenge. The road got me this time. I will be back. Mark. My. Words. 

Explaining the title: 
So, before I wrap up, let me explain the title. In our club, we have rules . Rule # 6 is simply this: "Run,DrinkWater,Smile,DON'T DIE"! We often refer to rule #6 when we have bad runs like this or injuries. We often say that we almost died, but didn't so we invoke rule #6. When I was deciding how to title this post, it only made sense. 

So really, that was the weekend in a nutshell. Tough! But so glad it happened now then in 3 months when I am tapering for MCM! 

Until Next week -

From One Idiot to another - 
IRC #2148

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Nutrition: The Importance of it!!!!

This morning, I rolled into work , like every other day. Sat down to begin my day. Then, the company that I am contracted with at my current job, brought 2 dozen doughnuts to the office. The decision was there: Do I partake or do I behave? Today I chose the latter, to behave. There is a reason. You see, last week I brought the junk and partook. I paid for it with a nice headache. But, there is a even bigger reason ... Let me explain this to you really in plain terms: 

That's right. EVERYTHING. I'll give you the story as it unfolded about 2 weeks ago, and then teach you a lesson at the end: 

A couple weeks ago, I was given a pretty tough workout schedule. I knew it would be going in, but I was determined to get through it. That week, for whatever reason, I reverted back to some of my fave comfort foods. Ice cream, waffles, Fast food, etc. I had food prepped, but nothing but crap sounded good. So I gave in. That week was terrible. I was heavy legged on all of my runs. It didn't matter what I did. Energy came and went even during the days. It's funny though, because it didn't come to a head till the Saturday workout: My long Run! 

The Long Run
In particular, that weeks long run was 10 miles. No time goal, just needed to be on my feet for 10 miles. So off I went. Immediatley, I knew it was gonna be a long night. B4 I went out, I ate 2 ham sandwiches, had my Gen U Can, and got ready and then headed out. I had heavy legs the whole way. In addition, for some reason, I had in my mind to run a few tempo miles (That WASN'T PART of the PLAN) and just have a good trip. Instead, I had absolute hell that night. Almost 2:30 hours to complete 10 miles. I was LIVID! In the middle of the run, I messaged my coach. She was like just keep going , but please send me what you have had to eat the last 2 days. Being 100% honest, I was an open book. It honestly shocked me how BAD I had fueld that week leading up too it..... 

The reply.... 
About a half hour after sending the message, I got my reply. I simply will never EVER forget it as it was one of the greatest lesson I have learned to this point. I got SMOKED! I was told that what I had eaten for 2 days was responsible. I had just nullified the effects of the GEN U CAN supplement I had taken. It was all wrong... 

Better yet, I needed to change and FAST! I was warned, if you continue to eat this way, you can count on more weeks like that.. that was ENOUGH! I spent the next hour looking at what I was missing, researching different foods, and reflecting. 

The Lesson: You Perform Like You Eat... 

That's it. You eat to fuel your body. I had heard that so many times as a health coach, but I honestly didn't make that full change, although I wanted to believe I had till this moment. I knew if I wanted to be in tip top shape , that I would have to eat like it. So, I totally made over what I was doing. I am now eating Lean meats, veggies, some simple carbs, and sticking with that. My go too food is grilled tomato basil chicken with a baked potato. Thats my go to food. And I may add a side of mixed veggies. If I showed you pictures of my food every time I ate, I guarantee at least twice a day you see that. I am also back to eating yogurt again. Greek is my all time fave. and it's a nice healthy fat. Do I eat clean 100% of the time... HELL NO! But when I want a cheat meal, I pick it according to the training I am doing. Preferably a off day or a day with nothing more but Yoga. But I also know if I indulge too hard, I will pay for it the next day. 

So , why am I writing this? Because I know we all struggle. But I figure, if I help one person to turn on that light bulb that you literally can change your performance if your an athlete , or if you just want to feel better, by simply looking at your diet, then it's totally worth it. 100%!

Upcoming : 
This weekend is the BE A FACTOR 5K! It's kinda been a relaxed week. But, I am ready. 5k's are the hardest event in running. It's so short, and so explosive. Period. If your not puking, your not trying. So thats this weekend. Keeping with tradition, I will have a full update next week regarding this week and the race, so bee on the lookout for that. 

Until Next Time

From one Idiot to another: 

IRC #2148

Monday, May 2, 2016

27 Weeks Out :

That's Right... Last week was 27 weeks out till I take to the streets of Washington D.C. for the Marine Corps Marathon. Last week was pretty low key and uneventful as I was preparing for a Full weekend of racing. I did have a couple of taper runs, but even then they were low intensity and short.  

The goal for the weekend was NOT to go all out at all. Stay controlled, stay healthy, and understand this is a step in my journey. 

The week went well. Both runs I felt extremely strong. I stayed optimistic, but it was constantly reinforced stay within yourself, behave, and just have fun. 

So, lets review this weekend: 

  Saturday: Dogwood Classic 5k

Saturday was the Track Clubs Dogwood Classic. It's an event I try to run as it is through Seqoyah Hills. I was very focused Saturday. My buddie, Daniel, who is in Drill Sargent school, was so kind enough to join me. 

As soon as we left, I knew I felt strong. The first mile was solid. I let Daniel fly where I could run my race and let him run his. He told me he would be back at the end to pace me in. I honestly didn't know whether we would see each other again or not. I was in my zone. I was determined to stay controlled . I did just that. I finished in 34:33. Daniel actually did find me and paced me the last half mile. I never pushed at all, even though I knew it was there , until the end. When you catch site of a finish line, its an incredible boost. I cut loose momentarily and knew i had it.

I felt REALLY strong. I knew the bigger distance was on Sunday. So, I headed home, took an ICE BATH , and recovered the rest of the night. 

Saturday night, I didn't sleep well, as normal before a big race. I never do. My mind wouldn't shutup either. It was one of those deals. 

Sunday: Farragut Race 13.1

Sunday was a struggle. I woke up with a knot in my stomach. I had to force down my breakfast even though I didn't want to eat. I knew better from Knoxville when I didn't eat enough. My stomach really never settled down till we got going. 

I put in a solid first mile as I wanted revenge on the start. Last Thanksgiving, I ran my last race over the roads we started on. It was a 10k. I  had a 5 min cushion on a PR and lost it when my stomach turned over. I hadn't forgotten that and I wanted to show the roads who was daddy. So , I put in a solid, but controlled first mile. 

After the first mile , HEAT STRUCK! It got so hot so fast. I immediatley came outta my shirt and relaxed and got off the throttle. The next few miles were just standard getting going. 

Mile 7 the going got tough. I do better as a runner when I know where I am . By this point we had been all over the place and I had no clue where in town I was. Then I started feeling woozy. Light headed. The heat was on. I was out of water, and only had my 45 , 90 min, and extreme emergency fuel on board. I was doubling up at every water stop with gatorade and water. I stopped for a momentairy pit stop around mile 7.5 . Thats when I knew it was gonna be a fight the rest of the way home. 

Mile 8, I was sure I was dying. It was so hot, I was sweating profusilly and was battling cramps. I had stayed on course for my nutrition at the 45 and 90 min mark, but I was still sucking air. It was at this point I let my head get to me. I was ready to quit. Done, call it. But then I started to realize, I have NEVER quit. I would be letting myself down, my teammates over at KRendurance down, everyone down.I had sent a text to coach saying I was struggling mightly but I was gonna finish come hell or high water. Period. This dog dosen't quit. 

I finished, at 3:02:31 officially Sunday. The last 7 miles I stayed in Low zone 2 and even that hurt. There were some Zone 1 miles, but I never quit. 

I got home Sunday, took my foam roller, and spent an hour on a full body roll out. Then I jumped into my favorite post race activity, ICE BATH!!!

I then cooked up some food and passed out. 

Overall, the weekend went according to plan. Sure I was pretty upset with myself after Sundays race, but as I cooled off and reflected, I did what was needed. I stayed healthy, I remained in control, never officially pushing hard at all, and I completed all 16.5 miles this weekend. Yes, I was upset with myself for trying to quit, but I didn't . I stayed in there and finished. There's a lot to be learned from this weekend. I am going to get stronger, better, and continue to improve. That's a GUARANTEE! 

This weekend is why I held back so much this week. When I first signed with my coach, I told her one of my major goals was this weekend. It's a 5k at home. Literally the same 3 mile loop I run ALLLL the time. The last 2 times I have ran, I have placed 3rd and 2nd in my Age Group. I told her, I really wanted to try to win my A.G. this year. She told me ok, but understand, you have to cool it the weekend before. So, that's how I went. Cool. The training this week will still be some short runs, and a shakeout, but its light and geared towards Saturday. At the gun Saturday, All bets are off. Its katy bar the door, Do it or die! Puke or you ain't trying Hard. I intend to do what I setout to do and to try to win the AG. I'll have to dig so hard. So so hard. Its going to be a great checkpoint for me to see just how strong I am. Im excited as I know the roads. I know every crevice of them. I can and will give my all. Everything gets left out there this Saturday. I am going after it!!!! 

So, that is about it. That's the review of this week. 

Until next week- 

IRC #2148