Friday, March 9, 2018



Before I get into this, I am going to try to put a humorous look on this post. This was a post that I vowed to never NEVER write. I never intended to put words to this after what occurred, but as I woke up today, on the exact day one year ago where I headed out to Ashville, North Carolina, for the trip, and I started laughing, I was like, dang it, I can make this humorous. So, here we go. 

For starters, let me refresh your memories. I left to go to Ashville, to run 39.3 miles over 2 days. Saturday was a half Marathon. Sunday was going to be the full marathon. If you don't remember the half , then grab yourself a refresher by reading this post:

Kind of picking up off that post: When I woke up the next morning, we had about 3.5 inches of snow on the ground. Freaking fantastic...... NOT what I needed. Then I realized , OH SHIT, I feel HORRID! GRRREEEAATTTT! I attributed it to nerves, but now a year later, I realize it was a concussion. I felt dizzy and nauseous . All of the tale tale signs. I struggled to get my morning fuel down that normally taste so good. I knew right off, that I shouldn't be suiting up for 26.2 , but I had never failed in a race, and I be damned (or so I thought) that I was going to let this one be the one. 

So, after forcing some fuel down, we loaded up and headed out to race site at biltmore. Unlike the previous morning, no where warm to huddle up. We were exposed from moment 0 to the elements. Then we were met with an hour delay. GRRREEEAATTTTTT! By this point, I felt awful, but was determined. I hid in the heat of the restrooms till almost time to go. 

Once we left the start line, I had planned a 3:1 interval to survive and get me to the cut. I knew it was gonna be a LONG ASS DAY when 90 seconds in I was already having to come out of my first interval . 

By the end of the first 5K, I was struggling. I was well behind the cut time. By 10K, the gap had widned. I got to where the 15 K was and the sweeper caught me. He could see I was in perril. He told me I had 2 options, I could trudge on and be allowed to finish, or I could quit. I said HELL NO to quitting, and proceeded on. I got to right at half, and I was growing weaker and hurting all over.

Finally, I had to put my pride aside and say enoughs enough. I had to drop. They got a cart and got me back to the start finish line. I was so devistated. 

No jacket , no medal, no quilt. Nothing. But. ANGER. AND. DISAPPOINTMENT. 

I texted coach. Once I got to the hotel, I called her. Unnanounced. to appologize for disapointing her. and our team. for blowing our training. We had a nice long long chat that went on for almost an hour while i sat in the hottub and tried to warm my self back up . Once we proccessed the greif, it was time to come up with how to get back and get revenge. 

Seeing as how I had already a high base, the next logical step was Knoxville. It was in 2 weeks. I could come home, recover, and run a half, and be ready. If you want the re-cap of that , follow this link....

So, there you have it. In a nutshell, thats what happend last year. Now that its been a year, and I can see outside of it all, it was a learning experience. While I am done running marathons for a good while now, I will never forget this race, as it allowed me to close the book on 365 days of marathoning the only fitting way .... ON ROCKY TOP!!!

Until Next Time- 



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