Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 4th

So, after about 3.5 hours of sleep, I got back up at 5:15 am for a 2nd go around at a 5K. This time I was headed to Sweetwater for the race. This was a dead flat out and back along main street. I ate my normal chicken, rice , and veggies, and got ready and headed out. 

I got there super early, grabbed my stuff, and dozed off . Then I woke up and stretched and got ready. We were racing the storm system that was moving in , and personally I hoped it rained. 

As we left out, it began to sprinkle. YES! So off we went. Instantly , the adrenline hit, and I was right back to where I left off. I felt great, even on so little rest. Its like my body knew what I was doing. HA!

After about a mile, I finally warmed up and was good to go. Several times I knew I was flirting with a PR, but that wasn't the goal. Its so fun when you just relax and let go and let your ablity shine. It really is a LOT of fun. 

Mile 2 came and went and I was just having a ball. I knew I was strong so I really hammered it the last mile. 

When I came into sight of the finish , i knew I had beaten my time from Last Night! Talk about FIRED. UP. Man, the consitencey, the momentum, all on my side now. And I loved it. I texted coach uber excited and just happy as could be. 

So, yes, that is 2 5k's within 12 hours. The 2nd faster than the first. The whole key was getting off my feet as soon as I could after the first one and doing all the right things to recover. To say I am happy is an understatement. What a weekend. What a couple races. 

So , now , its back to work. I have some seriously awesome fall goals I am working twoards, and I am going to use this momentum to keep rolling forward. Consistency is key. May have another race coming up , not sure as of this writing. But whatever it is, you can follow here. So, back to work !!!

Until next time 

From one "Idiot" to another- 

IRC #2148

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