Tuesday, May 1, 2018


"Oh, Rocky Top, you'll always be
Home, Sweet Home to Me, 
Good ole' ROCKY TOP
Rocky Top Tennessee" 

So, here we go, the A main for the spring, and my final distance race for a solid while as I am now going to transition into Triathlons for a while. Knoxville, where it all began . 

This was going to be a different race though. I was pacing this year. I was running the 5:30 full for the first 10 miles. So, about 12:35 a mile. I woke up early to get everything on and make final gear selections as it was cold and I wasn't sure how to proceed. I finally decided on a short sleeved shirt under the singlet and I could go to singlet only if I needed too. I took the back way to avoid construction and traffic and got there still early. I was the first pacer in the house. It wasn't until later that everyone showed up. I wanted to give myself plenty of time to relax and enjoy this. 

I finally got to meet up with the crew, and it turns out the guy I was pacing with was a hoot. We were already cutting up and carrying on before we got out there. I couldn't have been more relaxed or ready to go . 

As we loaded in, we were still laughing, but I was mentally preparing myself for the run. This is no easy task, and I wanted to put it all together finally in Knoxville. I have NEVER had Knoxville be a complete race. There is ALWAYS something that happens during that race. 

I was going to be carrying the flag the first 5 to 7 miles. I was ready to work. Once we started moving it took about 5 min to get up and across the line. I was bummbed this year because they normally send us out with Rocky Top and someone screwed that up this year. 

Because I was pacing and due to the threat of weather, I didn't carry my phone this year. Which was nice. I can't carry it when I am in Triathlons either. So, I figured get used to it now 

The first 2.5 miles were solid. Looking back now, we started WAY to fast but I see why the guys that did the full did that. They were saving time for the back half. Dangerous way to run, but alas. 

I began to get winded through mile 3 but was hanging on . We had to climb a large hill at mile 3.5 . One of the pacers stopped for a pit stop and I was freaking cramping so I stopped with him to stretch it out and catch my breath. 

Mile 4 and 5 i was ok, but knew something was off. I knew I had a job to do and was gonna have to grind hard. 

By mile 5 , lights went out in ktown . I don't know why, I think because I OVER hydrated, but I just didn't have it. I talked with our organizer who fittingly enough was pacing with us. He said it would be ok, just to run the race and finish it. 

The next 3.5 miles were a pitty party. I was kicking myself. I couldn't believe what I was having to do and not being able to keep up. However, I was still managing a pretty good pace out of this. 

By Mile 10, the 3 hour group caught me. The girls knew I was in trouble. But luckily, the girls told me to come on . I was finally re-ganing some giddyup when I met a girl. We started talking. She asked me what pace I was running. I told her just kinda flexing it. Apparently I looked strong. She asked If I would take her in. I told the 3 hour group GO! I have her . Through talking to her, I was able to find out that she had chronic Tendinitis in BOTH achilies and was told by doctors she would not ever run more than a mile. She did this to proove them wrong and for herself WHILE being a full time PRE MED student at UT. I wound up staying with her until the end. 

We crossed the line and shared a special moment. If you want to see the finish , then here is a link of us coming across both a little worse for wear: https://www.mtecresults.com/runner/show?race=6572&email=1&rid=1848

I actually had some friends I tried to meet up with, but frankly it was so cold on the field the wind cut you in half. But it was perfect running weather. 

The funny thing about this is after the race, as I sat down on the bus to go back to the car, we were reunited , which provided the oprotunity for this picture. 

GOODBYE DISTANCE! I am not sad to see you go! It's time to now venture into the darkside. I couldn't be more excited to get home, recover, and then get into a whole new element. 

So, until then.... 

From one "Idiot" to another- 

IRC # 2148

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