So, this was it . After a full weekend of Triathlon camp, this was the big show. It was showtime. I was after AG glory. A rare chance and I was coiled up like a viper and I wasn't going to be denied. Period.
I got up early that morning and then got packed up. Luckily it was going to be a beautiful morning for this so I lucked out. I had about a 50 min drive , so I got my protien shake breakfast, and got on the road pretty quickly.
I would be racing in my aero helment today. Today was the right situation to christen it. Once I got there, I grabbed the spot closest to BIKE OUT where I would be able to roll. I was going to go for it.
I warmed up by taking the bike out for a lap around the parking lot before go time just to cycle through the gears and set the starting point. I was ready to go .
Once I re-racked the bike, and got everything situated, it was time to line up. The first leg of this was a one mile run around the mall. I got amped and it was time to roll.
I settled in next to one of my RTMSC teammates. I looked at the watch, and knew a half mile in I was going to hard, but i was rocking and rolling. I was like the match is already burnt, so I just went with it all the way into transition. a 1.1 mile run in a 11 min or so. Fastest I have run in a long time, and I was feeling great.
Then I took my time, got myself organized in transition, and mounted the bike and off we went for the 2nd leg, a 11 mile or so ride. This was an up and down ride . I felt good . I had some food in my mouth as I headed out. I also had my sunglasses on . But, this was a change I made quickly. They fogged up , I couldn't see shit through them. So I pitched them as I rolled away. Time to make some good time.
The bike ride was good. I felt really strong and was loving it. I made a couple of gearing mistakes I thought would cost me, but I kept fighting. Around the 6 mile mark, I caught site of the girl in front of me. My mission instantly, catch her, and then drop her and not look back. It took me about 2 more miles, and I finally got her. Once I got to her, around I went pretty quickly. I was on . Around mile 10 my hands started to cramp. I looked at my body position and realized why this had been an issue. I was tense. So I relaxed. Before I knew it , I was back into transition. As I went to pull my bike shoes off I realized I had rode with my shin splint wraps on, so that was one less step.
Grabbed the bottle off my bike and my handheald, along with food, and headed out for the run.
The run was a lap and a half in one direction, you flip around, and go a full lap in the oposite direction. Then come into the finish. As I headed out, I saw my glasses where they landed. I grabbed some water, picked them up and then headed on. My plan for the run was to let my legs come too me. I would take my time and just go with it. I was eating as they came to me, so this was working. I managed to pick up the pace quicker than I thought I would. When I saw the first mile come and go, I was like thats solid. I might can neg split this run and really have a good day. Before I knew it, mile 2 and the turn around was behind me. I was even quicker mile 2. So now it was not can I it was I WAS going to neg split the run and pr the run off the bike.
When I made the turn into home, I felt great. Everyone was cheering us in, so I let it go. Everything I had left, I poured out on the dash for home. When I came across the line , I had nothing left to give , so I knew I had done it right. I tossed my timing chip away and that was that.
I had just Negative split the run, and Pr'd the run off the bike by 5 min so I was a happy man. I now had to wait out the kids dua and then awards. I was curious what awards would be.
I went ahead and got my stuff out of transition and enjoyed the kids race. So much potential in those kids! It was acutally cool to watch.
Then awards! Finally I was gonna know. Like I said , a small race, so I REALLY wanted this. I saw people asking, and I couldn't stand it any more, so I asked Muna. I had done it ! 2nd AG! I was shocked and thrilled at the same time. I HAD DONE IT!
Our awards were a tote bag that would be perfect for transition, and FOOD! FREE BREAKFAST ! Which hit the spot, because damn, I was hungry. LOL!
After we got done, I stayed around to hangout again with the guys, and just shoot the breeze. Afterall, had to celebrate this , right?
So, until we talk after the race-
From one "Idiot" to another-
-IRC # 2148-