Thursday, February 16, 2017

More High Mileage Week Tales

So , On Tuesday I had yoga. 1 hour of deep stretch. I gotta tell the story. At the start of this cycle, I had an hour of yoga. I fought it tooth and Nail. I hated the thought of an hour. I did it, but I griped , moaned, all of it. I told coach NO never again. So, imagine my surprise when I opened up my schedule last week, and saw the Hour. But I was willing to give it a try. Let me say. That was the BEST EXPERIENCE with yoga in a while. It opened EVERYTHING up because I LET IT! I felt great. Knots were stretched out. Things were opened up. It was just a great experience. This set me up nicely for Wednesday. 

Yesterday, Wednesday, I had a 6 mile run. I came over to the trail where I trained a LOT for MCM back last summer. The direction I had went was one that I had never gone past a certain point. So after about 2 miles, I had no idea where it lead. The beautiful thing was, the run was stunningly awesome. Picture esque weather along the lake. Mid 40's . So, I laid it down. Some seriously Solid awesome miles. I felt great afterwards. 

So, that brings us up to Today, Thursday. I have today and Tomorrow off. Sat starts the test. I have 20 miles , 16 at tempo to beat the required pace. Sunday , I have 10 more miles. So here we are. The pressure is def on . Time to answer the bell again. 

No doubts left. Everything is in order. Nutrition is on point. Gear is on point. I am dead set and ready. 

The next time you hear from me should be after the 20 miler. 

So until then


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