Monday, July 18, 2016

16 Weeks : Back to Build...

 Weeks Out: Back to Build 

So unreal that this thing is this far along. I keep saying time is flying... and it really is! Seems like yesterday I thought I was so dumb for undertaking a task like this. However, this has become who I am. Its hard to believe but its getting more real with each workout. Things are coming together nicely and I am loving the process. 

This week was a big week for me. Strength training was a bear this week. A lot of glute, hips, IT Band and other strength work. Lets not forget about Friday nights core work. 25 min of brutality. Probably the hardest core workout that I have ever done. I got it done, but it was NOT pretty. LOL. Run wise, I was dumb enough to wind up getting a reality check on Tuesday last week. I have no clue what happened, but I woke up in a pissed off mood. Then, my heart rate wanted to get outta hand too fast. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, (with the excpetion of getting injured) seemed to go wrong. By the time I got back in Tuesday, I was fuming mad. Its probably the maddest I have been in a LONG time here lately. A lot of life stress plus this frustrating run just caused me to boil over. Thank goodness for my coach to keep me level headed. I say it almost daily to anyone who will listen how blessed I am. Without her, I guarantee things wouldn't be going this smoothly. Also to not be forgotten are my teammates. What a great group we have. Thursdays run was much much better. I felt like a human again. Although it was hot, and that caused me to slow down, it was still so relieving to get out there and just put a bad trip behind me from the previous run. Saturday, it was time for my long run. I left it till late Saturday night. I had a friend come join me who ran with me. Long story short, he struggled, I was just on easy mode. lol. Everything clicked Saturday. I used it as a way to relieve stress from the day Saturday and just relaxed and had fun. The longer I ran Saturday Evening the cooler it became. Which was so nice because that meant that I could run a little faster without the hr getting outta hand again. 

Yes, I know this was short and sweet, but when you have good weeks, a lot of it by now is just standard procedure. However, don't get to used to it. As I have been told, change is around the corner. HAHAHAH! 

This week is along the same lines of things. Finishing up the back end of a Build Cycle. I anticipate a lot of the same, but some different things might get thrown in there :) But I do like variety. It keeps it interesting. So, until next week, 

From one "Idiot" to another-

-John -

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