Monday, July 25, 2016

Build Cycle 4 Complete

: Another Build on the books 

So, this past week was the 2nd part of the build block rotation. My builds are normally 2 weeks in duration and then I get a recovery week. This week looked similar to last week. I had Glute, Hip and IT Band Strength Training this past week along with Core work. By the time I got to Friday, I was feeling it pretty well, and was pretty tired. Part of my core instructions said do this, and then repeat. Up to 4 sets. My plan going in was to do all 4 sets. I warmed up and got with it. But, for some reason, when I got through the 2nd set I was feeling it pretty well. In a moment of weakness, I threw in the towel after doing the minimal required sets. If you know me at all, you know that normally I get every rep I can in . But for some reason,  I gave in. It wasn't till after I had a quick convo with coach after I was already stuffing my face, that I realized that was a mental block that I just gave into. I could have kicked my own tail right then. But, I moved on from it. Rest assured when I see that particular workout again, I will be pushing through that mental block. 

Run wise, I had a good week. It was definatley hot this week here. Were talking upper 90s . So I was forced to again slow the pace way down in order to keep the HR in the appropriate range. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in speed, and it plays to my disadvantege. So, to curtail this, I took a strip of black tape and put over everything except the distance and the HR. So I couldn't see anything else. We call this putting the "Leash" on. Because of this I had some great training runs I really nailed this week. 

Saturday I was supposed to go to the mountains for my long run, but at the last min things changed. So I was already up and ready to go run, so i left out on my normal route around at the house. I got to experience this beautiful sunrise on my run. It was georgeous. And I had a great run to close out the week. 

This next week is a recovery week for me. So, I get to do a little speed work along with some upper body stuff in order to let the legs recover. Gotta say, This is one that I am totally looking forward to as I was pretty tired by the end of Saturday. 

So with that being said... 

Until next week- 
From one "Idiot" to another- 

IRC #2148 

Monday, July 18, 2016

16 Weeks : Back to Build...

 Weeks Out: Back to Build 

So unreal that this thing is this far along. I keep saying time is flying... and it really is! Seems like yesterday I thought I was so dumb for undertaking a task like this. However, this has become who I am. Its hard to believe but its getting more real with each workout. Things are coming together nicely and I am loving the process. 

This week was a big week for me. Strength training was a bear this week. A lot of glute, hips, IT Band and other strength work. Lets not forget about Friday nights core work. 25 min of brutality. Probably the hardest core workout that I have ever done. I got it done, but it was NOT pretty. LOL. Run wise, I was dumb enough to wind up getting a reality check on Tuesday last week. I have no clue what happened, but I woke up in a pissed off mood. Then, my heart rate wanted to get outta hand too fast. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, (with the excpetion of getting injured) seemed to go wrong. By the time I got back in Tuesday, I was fuming mad. Its probably the maddest I have been in a LONG time here lately. A lot of life stress plus this frustrating run just caused me to boil over. Thank goodness for my coach to keep me level headed. I say it almost daily to anyone who will listen how blessed I am. Without her, I guarantee things wouldn't be going this smoothly. Also to not be forgotten are my teammates. What a great group we have. Thursdays run was much much better. I felt like a human again. Although it was hot, and that caused me to slow down, it was still so relieving to get out there and just put a bad trip behind me from the previous run. Saturday, it was time for my long run. I left it till late Saturday night. I had a friend come join me who ran with me. Long story short, he struggled, I was just on easy mode. lol. Everything clicked Saturday. I used it as a way to relieve stress from the day Saturday and just relaxed and had fun. The longer I ran Saturday Evening the cooler it became. Which was so nice because that meant that I could run a little faster without the hr getting outta hand again. 

Yes, I know this was short and sweet, but when you have good weeks, a lot of it by now is just standard procedure. However, don't get to used to it. As I have been told, change is around the corner. HAHAHAH! 

This week is along the same lines of things. Finishing up the back end of a Build Cycle. I anticipate a lot of the same, but some different things might get thrown in there :) But I do like variety. It keeps it interesting. So, until next week, 

From one "Idiot" to another-

-John -

Monday, July 11, 2016

17 Weeks out: Recovery and all that jazz.

Weeks out: Recovery

So, here we go. 17 weeks away. This is getting REAL YO! Coming off of last week, I left you all with the race recap. So, after setting a new PR in my 5k, I was very excited. This week was a recovery week. I was kinda like meh, but I knew I needed it. 

What I didn't expect was how badly I needed it. I totally left everything out there last Monday. The hardest I have ever run. This week was a lighter week in terms of workouts. I had some yoga tossed in there, which really showed me just how slack of a job that I had been doing with my foam roller. I never expected to get that big of a wake up call. But, thats what happens when you listen to your body occasionally. It will actually talk to you if you just take the time to quiten your mind and let yourself be still. Its awesome! So that was kind of a big thing was that I need to do a TON better with a foam roller. Dually noted. Dually noted. LOL! 

Run wise, I was given a couple of shorter, low intensity runs. About the time Thursday hit, I was ready to be back on the roads. It felt good to just get a couple miles in. Thursday , I also had my physical at the doctors. When I came out, just walking on the sidewalk, my stupid ankle tried to roll again. I first thought it had, but in the end, due to knowing exactly how to care for it, I was able to avoid any setback at all. Kudo's to coach for teaching me that self care is soooo important. Period. 

Then, there was this silly game that came out that flashed me back to my childhood, Pokemon GO! I sware, its gonna be the death of me. Lol! Instead of relaxing Sunday, I wound up walking all over the place chasing these stupid little characters around. LOL!  

In all reality, that was about it for this week. Kind of a lower key week just getting the legs back under me after a great July 4th race! 

So, this coming week marks 16 weeks. This is the place where if you use a outta the box training plan, that you would realistically buckle down to get ready to go. Makes me so thankful for my team and my plan that I am ahead of the curve. The plan this week is for another good solid build cycle. Lots of strength work on the lower body and core, and some good solid runs. Really looking forward to it. I have to honestly say my mind is at the point where it wants to put in some bigger distances. I never thought I would say it, but I welcome the day when I see 13 + on the calendar for a long run. Its challenging, and its kinda wierds me out, but as long as I stay in the moment and take it 1 day at a time, with the support I have around me, it will all be just groovy. 

So, thats about it. 

Until next week- 

From one "Idiot" to another

-IRC #2148-

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

18 Weeks Out: Raceweek

Weeks Out: Race Week 

So, this week was Race week. 5K time. Revenge Time. 18 weeks away from DC. Before I get into that, I do want to do something out of the normal for a moment and take time to mention a couple things. 

First and foremost, this week, if you have grown up around the basketball world at all, then you have heard about the passing of longtime Tennessee Womens Coach Pat Summit. Pat was a LEGEND! No doubt about it. With these type of legends, you don't realize how much they affect you until there gone. It wasn't till I sat and reflected in preparation to write this blog that I was able to really see that in my life. The one single area that she affected me the most is my Tenacity! The woman knew what she wanted and was bound and determined to get the best out of her players. Period. That cold stare. Good grief. It would burn a hole right through any individual who ever recieved or saw it. I have seen it in person in the arena during games and in pictures. Unnerving is the best way I can put it. Period. But one things for sure, she left a lasting impact on me with her tenacity and I would be remiss if I didn't mention it and the effects on MILLIONS of people. 

So, now lets get down to business with a Race Report. 

Leading up (Race Week) 
So, as I mentioned , this week I got to go racing for the Final Planned time before MCM. This was a 5k. If you remember back to May, the last time I went for a 5K, disaster struck. So, this week , I was out for revenge. I was optimistic all week , but reserved about that optimism. My taper runs went quite well this week. I had a sense that I might have something special brewing, but did not want to get to confident. Sunday, I had a quick 15 min shakedown on the race course just to see it, and then I was under orders to get OFF MY LEGS and rest. Be ready. I have to admit, around Saturday, I was nervous. But, thankfully, after a nice talk with coach , I was settled down and ready to go. I laid out all my stuff the night before in the floor of my gym for a traditional FLAT ME picture and to make sure everything was lined up to go. 

 Race Re-Cap

I got there a little bit after 6:30 race morning in my new team gear. I was calm and ready to go. Picked up my tag for the race and hung around. I actually caught up with a few friends b4 the race and chatted. About 10 min before time, I got loose with some dynamic stretching and was ready. During the National Anthem, I was psyched. I felt those butterflies. We had chatted about keeping them in formation the night before, but for some reason, I couldn't get them there. They just wouldn't go. In addition, I was bouncing up and down to elevate my heartrate where I didn't come out and then go right into the redzone from resting. I wanted it to be ready for the beating I was about to bestow. 

The gun went bang (LOL) and we were off. We had chatted about not coming out too hard and easing into it but applying the gas more as I went. I wanted negative splits. I felt great. I was focused so much on my breathing. Solid Breaths . Relax. Run. Things were going perfectly. Great high tempo things were going perfect. Mile 1 came and went in 9:45 . I was shocked. I never felt like I was pushing that hard. I was comfortable. It was shortly after this chime in my ear , I began to get a little winded. Sip of water, through a fire hydrant that was opened, and back off I went. I eased back a little bit to catch my breath for a couple moments. Then I put a good burst of steam in. The 2nd mile was a little slower. After the 2nd mile , I began to gage things and realized, oh crap. I am on a good clip here. A PR IS POSSIBLE! Lets do it! So, i reached for another swig of water during a moment when I kinda slowed down. Dumped some on my head since by this time I was warm. Then, I really dug in. Mile 2.75 I looked again and thought I had blown my chance, but was determined to get those 2 little letters. So, another drink, and back at it even harder. I came around the corner and saw the finish line. I could see the clock , so glanced, knew if I went ALL OUT I could get it. So, I let it rip. I mean I went so hard. The last few moments were a blur. I looked directly at the clock and knew when I got to the line I had done it!

When I went to slow down and grab a bottle of water, I thought I was going to hurl everywhere. Never have I dry heaved at the end of a race. But, we had talked about this fact there again, and I knew this is what I wanted. I walked off from the finish line to message coach. I had done it. 

It was official. I had lowered my PR from 33 and some change to 32 and some change. This is almost a FULL MIN FASTER and then its also one of my goals I set for this year , to get my 5K under 32. So, needless to say I was a happy camper. Man, it just feels good ! Here are some pictures that were taken from my race. Needless to say, I don't care how I look in these, I am in the moment. Period. 

After the race, normally I grab something to eat. But considering the effort, I couldnt stand the thought of food. Sometimes I am like that. But, I did chew up an orange. I got home and promptly got in my post race Ice bath and then fell asleep . Then I spent the rest of my day having fun. 

For being the last time out (Planned, as of right now), I couldn't be more delighted. Things went absolutely SPECTACULAR! I still have the grin on my face now from that run . Just unbelievable! Gives me something to use as I continue to build towards DC. 

This week is my recovery/ rest week. Shorter, slower duration runs, and yoga. Needless to say, my body is sore today and I am ready for that recovery week. Honestly, I am also ready to increase training volume and get into some longer runs. Thats just where my body is. It realizes whats going on and is responding quite well. 

So, thats about it for this week. Time to focus on recovering and getting ready for the rest of training. 

With that being said.... 

Until Next week.... 

From one "Idiot" to another

-IRC #2148-