Monday, February 5, 2018


So, its no secret that when I took off my running shoes on Thanksgiving afternoon after the 5k, I was MISERABLE ! I had reached the point  of severe burnout. I could tell it, my coach could tell it, hell my best friends and my teammates could tell it. It was time for a break. For the off season, I had decided I wanted to lift like a mad man and I mean LIFT! 5 days a week lift. I wanted to regain my size and strength. I wanted to just lift and forget about running. So, that's exactly what I set out to do . 

So, that brings up the next question: What was I going to do? What kind of plan was I going to follow? Well, I had decided in August, when I wanted to quit running originally, that I was going to do a body builders split with some modifications so that I could start building a base for my triathlons in the spring. So I would lift 3-4 days a week, and then I would swim one, and then get on the spin bike for spin class or some extra rides. I really was going to play this week to week, and write my schedules on Sundays and enjoy this. I had originally 4 weeks to play with, but once I got into it, i didn't want to quit, so I gave myself a 2nd 4 week block. So basically 8.5 weeks, since I was going back active Feb 1 with my coach. My workouts were going to be structured. I was going back to my old friend, BODY BEAST! I did this a few years ago for 90 days, and saw some serious strength gains and running gains as well. So, I was going back this route to structure the workouts. I would do Chest, Shoulders & Arms, Back , Legs, and then Full body as allowed. No 2 weeks would be the same . I would alternate every other week as I felt like it with hitting parts of the body. I was going to do the equipment room workouts that Sagi, the creator of Beast has , and then I would move around into some of his other special on demand workouts, and then get into the Beast Bulk section once I got close to the end. So, with that, lets go back through each week briefly and get you filled in on what happend. 

Week 0

Week 0 was that. 0. Nothing was done. I wanted to rest for 10 days and I did that. Although around day 6 I got that itch, I stayed committed till time to go. I did before pictures and measurements as a way to track my progress. 

Week 1

Week 1 was where of course it started. That week was as follows: Chest and Tri's on Monday, Legs Tuesday. Wednesday I rode for 20 or 30 min and did shoulders. Thursday I was off for a RWB Leadership Meeting. Friday, I got in the pool for 20 min to just start getting used to it. Saturday I was doing a Brick, so 2 things back to back. I swam for 20 min and then Rode the spin bike for 40 min. It was a good week overall. Legs of course kicked my ass , but I hung in there. 


Week 2 I did back and shoulders on Monday. Tuesday I would swim 20 Min. All of these swims and rides were without a garmin. The hell with data during my off season . Wednesday I did some full body work, and then went ahead and rode for 30 Min. Thursday, did spin class and then swam for 20 min to knock out my brick as this was the week that the new Star  Wars came out and I wanted to go see it for my birthday.  So, on Friday I was off, and then took the weekend off as well for some different things and to let my body rest. 


Week 3 was going to bring around legs again on Monday. This one nearly killed me. So sore after this. On Tuesday, of course it was swim day. On Wednesday, I had been challenged to a tabata bike strength workout. Let me tell you , this kicked my ass. I was done after that and Arms. I even posted a comedy bit in our team page. LOL! On Thursday, I did Chest day at lunch in the gym at work and then had a meeting with RWB again that evening. Friday I took my off day. Saturday, for a brick, I did 20 min in the pool, and a 45 min ride. Again focusing on that base.

Week 4
Week 4 brought up CHRISTMAS! It was supposed to have been my last week before returning active with coach, but as I had mentioned, I was having fun, and we had agreed we could make do with starting in February, so, that was that. On Monday, Christmas Day, I got to do something I have wanted to for a long time called a tricep guantlet. I saw CT Fletcher do this and wanted to give it a go. Basically you have 5 sets of weights. Tricep overhead extensions. 20 reps up . Light to Heavy. A small break, and then start with heavy and go to light with 20 reps each. Holy SHIT! This burnt like hell. Took me like a half hour to do it while watching A Christmas story on Tv. So, this was monday. Tuesday I was back in the pool for 20 min. On Wednesday, I did a back workout. Thursday, I took spin class, and then swam for 20 min. Friday, I was off; Saturday was a huge day for me. I got to go pick up my new road bike in Chatanooga that I got for Christmas and then go get it fit. The fit was 2.5 hours of riding, adjusting, and more riding. I was exhausted after that but glad to have it. Sunday, I took the day off to prep.

Week 5

So, we have the bike. Now to learn how to properly clip in and get half way ok at it. So, on Monday, I did leg day again, and then I spent 15 min working on clipping and learning which side I fall on . On Tuesday, because it was the start of a new month, I increased my pool time each time to 25 min. On Wednesday, I did Chest and back and got the bike out for the first time on the open road. I loved it. Yes, I fell, but that's to be expected. I managed 3 miles in 22 min. Not bad. Thursday I took spin class again and Friday was a off day. On Saturday, I did a 25 min Swim/ A 45 min ride, and then for the first time since Thanksgiving , I laced up the running shoes for a 20 min run, as I had a 5K the next week.  I wanted to see what I could do. It was after this run, I firmly decided it was time to get a sub 30 min 50K accomplished.

Week 6
So, here we are. Race week # 1 of the season. On Monday, I did shoulders and arms. Then on Tuesday, I did 25 Min of swim. Wednesday,  I had a 60 min massage to take care of myself and get ready for Saturday. Thursday, I did some yoga. Friday I took off. Saturday was race day. I rode for 20 min to loosen up , and then crushed the Sub 30 goal. I have never felt so done for after a 5K. Honestly, that hurt so bad it felt like I ran a half marathon. But, regardless, the goal had been met and I was elated and speechless all at the same time. Of course, Sunday was off.

By this point, I was getting the itch to get back to active status, but I still had 2 more weeks to go. On Monday, I did a leg workout that was REALLY FUN. I had a buddie write me one using some of the machines. 2 days later I was still feeling this one. On Tuesday this week, we had a snow storm while at work. I tried to tempt it and still go get them gainz, but after sliding on the road, I just eased it home. On Wednesday, I was off due to weather. So I went to the gym once I could get out. My tri friend challenged me to use a pool buddy to swim. It takes the legs out of the equation and forces you to use core and upper body. Def a different challenge. It was a lot of fun. On Thursday, I took the day off, as well as on Friday. I was just tired and needed to rest. On Saturday, I went up to seqoyah hills sub division and rode through there on my road bike and then ran it right after. It was a challenge to just overcome how sore and tired I was and fight through it. Which I managed to do but it wasn;t fun.  On Sunday, it was so nice, I went for another quick 3 mile spin on the road bike. 

This week I had decided why not, I am going to do a full sprint TRI at the gym. So, on Monday, I did body pump. More like body hell. I hurt for 2 days. On Tuesday, I got in a quick 25 min swim before a concert with some friends in a band I have followed for years. My dad actually came so we had a fun evening. On Wednesday I did back and Biceps. On Thursday, as standard, I did Spin Class at 6 pm. Friday, I had my pre-season meeting with coach. We worked out my first part of my race schedule for this year and discussed training in depth. Saturday, I got up and went for a RWB Meetup and rode the bike for 3 miles. Then, I went to the gym. The full sprint distance took me just over an hour and 15 min. I was pleased but was give out. I took off Sunday to just rest. 

Week 9
So, this was it. The return to active on the First of Feb. I had my schedule , but I was still free till then. I had planned to lift Monday, but when I woke up I was just exhuasted, so I was like nope. I came home and rested. Tuesday, I did that same leg workout as 2 weeks ago hitting several massive PR's . After that I got in a short 10 min Swim. Wednesday, was International Chest Day and my last day inactive. . Thursday I felt pretty great so I decided that before class I would do back. 29 min of back and then spin. Friday, I swam a 1000 yds. And Saturday, between a rwb meetup and finishing here at home I had logged 5 miles. 

So, at the end of this, I guess your wandering how I did? I managed to gain in EVERY SINGLE AREA! I am so happy with the way this went and how things moved along. Below you will find the #'s and then also my Before & After Photos.... 

So, now what? Well, here is where it gets fun! I am not sure how many of you know, but KNOXVILLE is coming up fast. This is always my favorite race. It was my first half and it's also my Runniversary race. So, its all hands on deck for that. In between, I will be running some races with some friends, but this is the focus for the next 7 weeks . Also, lets talk Knoxville while were at it.

This year I have a special treat. I am pacing the front half of the 5:30 Marathon. I am peeling off when the half and full split, but I am so excited to have this opportunity. A few years ago, I started sharing a lot of my training daily twoards Knoxville using #johnrunsknoxville. The last couple years, I haven't done it, but seeing as how this is a special deal this year. I am rolling it back out. So, if you wanna follow me from today forward, track me using the #johnpacesknoxville2018 !! I cant wait to take you all on this journey. Also, I think this might call for a blog each week. But that is to be determined. 

So, that's gonna be about it for the off season. So until the next time we talk!!! 

From one "Idiot" to another- 
-IRC 2148-