Trail Fun
It's no secret that this time of year, I like to run as many races as I can before the heat of the dog days of summer set in. I try to pack my calendar heavy at the front, give myself the months of June-August to train and get ready for a fall season.
A couple weeks ago, I signed up for something totally out of my element, a Trail Race. I knew I would enjoy this , because lets face it, I am a country boy, and I love being in the woods. This race was held at Ijams nature Center. Back on some of the trails. Being ever cognisent of the fact that I don't do trails that much, I took about a week and ran trails basically ever chance I got. Trails are a whole different game. More side to side movement, and you have to be scanning ahead and planning ahead. So much different than the road.
Everything for prep went well. I had even toyed with running the half marathon for the sake of it, but stuck with the 5 miler.
Race morning, I woke up early and went through my normal routines . Headed out and got there in plenty of time. They warned us ahead of time, don't go out too hard, as you will pay later.
We had the later start time as the half went off first in the opposite direction. Once we got going , I lit out hard. I knew the first few miles, and I could go. At mile 1, the trail gods decided, oh were gonna just push you down. So, I slipped and busted my tail. I laughed about it . I was like well, guess thats out of the way. haha. Mile 2 , was uneventufull and rolled by rather quickly. I could tell the deeper we got the more technical it was going to get which was fine. I just wanted to finish. Mile 2.5 I bit the dust again. By this time, it was just funny. Mile 3 things were going good, I was headed back twoards the aid station we would encounter before we made the final push when my old nemisis came back for a visit, as in my ankle. I stepped on a rock , and the rock shifted, which then shifted my ankle and it twisted. Crap! It sent me to the ground in a heap. As bad as it hurt, I was gonna call it at the aid station and live to fight another day. But, once the inital shock wore off, and I saw I was able to get weight and move at a good clip, I knew I was gonna finish. I stopped by the aid station to get some cold water and made my way through twoards the finish. The final 2 miles were honestly THE HARDEST I have ever run in a race. There was probably 1000 ft elevation gain, and it was straight up the side of the quary and around it. Steep, and full of rocks and roots. By this time , I was walking, and basically just hiking. Just finish was the motto. Even coming back, the descent was no easy task with the technicality of the descent and the obstacles. Finally the last quarter mile, it flattend all the way out into smooth dirt again. I ran as hard as I could to the finish. Unbenownst to me, they gave us ALL medals, even the 5 mile finishers. This was one medal that I was super proud to have.
Once finished, I texted coach, and then cooled off. I didn't wait around for food or anything, besides awards, as I had a few things plus a nice long nap after 3 hours of sleep the night before that I wanted to do.
Overall, I had a blast doing this . Absolute blast. Sure , if I worked trails hard, I could improve, but honestly, Ill just stick to the roads :)
So, I have a couple of more Races left in the spring Schedule. Not ready to say as of yet what they are, but there is a couple. Then its back to the grindstone over the summer getting ready to chase 2 letters runners love to talk about. Thinking about blogging that journey as well, so we will see what I finally decide.
So, that wraps up this re-cap. If you enjoyed it, stay tuned, no telling where my next adventure will lead.
So, until Next Time-
From one "Idiot" to another
IRC #2148