The Start of something "Idotic"
Let me first thank you for stopping by to read this and by giving you an introduction and a little bit of back story. My name is John. This was not supposed to happen. By "this", I mean this life changing thing called running. As the story goes, this was supposed to be a one-time deal meant to prove a point to someone that if you tell me "NO", I take it very seriously, and will most likely make you eat crow and enjoy the feathers. This one time thing grew way outta control, became an addiction, and if you follow along, will see just how big it has gotten. So let me take you on a journey....
The Race to shut some one up.....
So, as I had stated, this was meant to be a one off deal. When I originally got into fitness and saw what was possible, I had told someone that I thought I might try my hand at a half-marathon just for fun. This individual said "you can't and won't do it". GAME.ON. You never tell me NO, and not watch me try to find a way to happen. Period. I use NO as a serious motivator. So, in January 2015, I began to train. I was a fitness coach at the time and reached out to several people I knew were runners. I used a generic training plan along with my fitness routine and trained.
About 4 weeks before I was set to toe the starting line, i was running on a quick 3 mile loop that I had done 10,000 times before and found a hole. I seriously twisted my ankle. Like seriously . As you can see here.
I rested this thing for about 10 day, accepted the fact that It was going to aggravate the hell outta me, finished training and went racing.
I managed to finish that race in 3:12:39 . It was a brutally cold day, and I suffered all the way in. But By golly, I had shut a mouth down.
An addiction is born
Coming down off that race, I felt lost. I had just spent the first 3 months of the year busting my ass training and it was gone. Just like that. However, I really enjoyed the competitive nature. I had also been considering other races after that. You could say I was a junkie now. I really enjoyed the freedom of the road. Its like nothing else. You, mother nature, and the open roads. I rarely ever talk to anyone while I am out. I prefer to train alone. Also, around this time, I had joined this dumb little face book group "Idiots Running Club" These people I "got" and they got me. It was like a family. I loved them ! Still do! It was official. I was a runner. I was also an "Idiot" runner!!!
The rest of 2015 I completed a total of 15 races. 10 5k's, 2 10k's, and 3 half Marathons. I PR'd about 13 times that year as I would get better and my times would go down.
26.2- Never !! (or so I thought)
Since I had completed my first half, people had began to ask me, "will you ever do a full marathon (26.2) I would always respond "NEVER". Honestly, at the time, 13.1 had taken so much out of me, I didn't want to consider it. However, in November , after my 3rd half, I started to play with the Idea off cuff. It wasn't until Late December, as I sat at what would ultimatley be my last fitness coach event, and heard a guy speak on doing 26.2 and talking to him and him urging me to try it after all my races, that I began to play with it.
I had always said that 26.2 would be a "BUCKET LIST" type deal. I had a few of them on my list, Chicago, Disney, Marine Corps Marathon, just to name a few. I knew if I was to take this on that I wanted to travel and it be for me and no one else. I wanted it to be one of those "Time of your Life " type moments.
One Brave Moment:
So, before this years Knoxville Half, I was pretty sure I wanted to gamble and try to elevate my running game. I felt ready for another challenge, and was considering not being a fitness coach anymore because honestly my passion now lied in the roads and I wanted to push myself HARD ! One faithful Monday, I knew it was decision time. I knew it was Marine Corps Marathon registration day. I wanted to do it! I had a job that payed well and wanted to go for it. I filled out the application for the lottery selection, and cancelled out of it. Chicken... lol! An hour later, I went back , and submitted the thing. At this point, I also knew I WAS GOING RACING! I had to wait till the official email came back, but I knew there was no chance of me not getting in. I began to prepare for that email. That included getting myself a coach lined up, getting out of fitness coaching, and getting ready to go "ALL IN"
IT WAS OFFICIAL! I was going to Washington DC to do the one thing that scared me. 26.flipping 2 miles ! Time to get serious. I got out of coaching to free up funds. Booked all the travel . Going back to the coach. I hired one of my friends from the "Idiots Running Club" . Coach Kristie from KREndurance. Things were set to go.
So Far:
So, here we are. This is taper week. I have been working with my coach for about a month now, and I can honestly say, this is the BEST.Decision.Of.MY.LIFE. It has brought back my passion and my fire. Sure, there have been some ups and downs the first month. I have moaned groaned fueld impropery, paid the price, and learned lessons. But the best is yet to come.
This weekend I take on 16.5 miles over 2 races. a 5k on Saturday, and a half on Sunday. The grind to the MCM is well under way, but the official "24 week countdown" begins I believe the 2nd full week of May. Never have I been more excited or nervous. This is going to push me outta my comfort zone, and I am so ready. The thought of being in the "1%" club of people who have ever finished 26.2 flipping fuels me each and every day.
My plan for this is to keep writing. I would like to write once a week or once every other week as time allows. I want this to chronicle the whole flipping journey up and through the race. I can't wait to take you along with me for the rest of the journey.
Until Next time-
From one "Idiot" to another
IRC #2148